How To Choose a Candle

choosing candles

Choosing the right candles for your home or event can be more challenging than at first it may seem.  There are many factors that go into which candle will work best.  Some of the factors are, the environment the candles will be in, the number of candles being used, scented or unscented candles, and length of time the candles need to burn.

Lets assume that the candles being decided on are made by a reputable candle company and are high quality candles.  That is, of course, one of the most important factors.  There hundreds, if not thousands, of candle styles available to pick from so which one should you choose?

Why are you buying the candles?  People buy candles for many different reasons, for decoration, ambiance, to freshen the air, all of the above.  The answer to this question will begin you down one path or another.  A soft romantic ambiance can be gotten from any candle when it is lit.  However, you may not want to light a novelty candle (candle with a special shape or design) because it will be ruined once it is burned.  If all your going for is ambiance then you need to consider the environment the candles are being used in.  Is the setting a dinner for two or a bubble bath for one?  Taper candles are the traditional “romantic couple” dinner candles.  If you’re going for the bubble bath then you might just want a few tealights to surround the tub with.

If the candles are only going to be used for decoration, is it for your home or an event?  Many people purchase candles to use in their homes that they don’t intend to burn.  Pillar candles are very popular for creating decorative arrangements and centerpieces.  With so many pillar sizes and colors available finding candles to match your home decor is relatively easy.  If you are decorating for an event check with the venue about their rules pertaining to candles.  Some have a strict “no candles” rule.  Others allow candles but require that the candle flame not be higher than the top of the container they are in.  The type of event will determine what style of candle you look for.

If you’re using the candles to freshen the air, the main factor to consider is the size of the room.  Smaller rooms like bathrooms may only need a votive or small jar to freshen the air.  For larger rooms such as living rooms or master bedrooms larger candles like a 6×6 pillar or 64 oz. jar might be a better choice.  The larger the surface area of the liquid wax the faster the fragrance will be pushed into the air.  Some fragrances are naturally “lighter” than others.  A Vanilla scented candle may not be as noticeable as a Black Cherry, or a Honeydew as strong as a Lilac.  Sometimes a subtle fragrance is all that is desired.

Jar candles are very popular because they reduce the potential for wax to spill or drip on to the table.  Whatever the reason is for purchasing candles, if you light them make sure to not leave them unattended.

5 thoughts on “How To Choose a Candle

  1. Paula

    Some day I would love to visit your candle shop, love the candles & holders in the pictures and it reminds me of my Husband in the picture only younger asking me why am I dragging him thru these shops. Thanks, Paula

  2. Pam

    I just received my order of unscented soy inserts for my daughter’s October wedding. They are perfect! Just exactly what I wanted for the reception. I look forward to a beautiful candlelit room with no messy wax cleanup afterwards! Thanks, US Candle Company!

  3. Bella

    Thanks for sharing a great and a very informative article.In this article you have explained very nicely how to choose Candles according to occasion.The candles are not only going to be used for decoration but for daily use at home, I agree with this as you said I should not see the shape I should choose the candle according to the event.I was not aware that candles are chosen based on room sizes, thanks for giving such a good information.

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